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Rainer Gruessner

Rainer Gruessner

Professor, Department of Surgery
The University of Arizona


Rainer Gruessner was Chairman, Department of Surgery. He was Director at HepatoPancreaticoBiliary Center and Chief, Division of General Surgery. He is Professor of Surgery and Immunology. His clinical speciality is Abdominal transplants, general surgery - including surgery for chronic pancreatitis, Surgical oncology - Liver, bile duct and pancreatic tumors.

Research Interest

Rainer Gruessner research interests are on surgical and transplant options for patients with end-stage liver, pancreas, kidney and intestinal failure from benign and malignant diseases, Pancreas, islet and kidney transplantation for the treatment of diabetes mellitus and its secondary complications, Chronic pancreatitis and islet transplants, Pancreas and liver cancer, Risk analysis and quality control of benign and malignant disorders of the pancreas, liver, and intestine,Tolerance induction using donor-specific cell augmentation.