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Tinotenda Dzikiti

Tinotenda Dzikiti

Ambassador for Zimbabwe Diabetes Association, Zimbabwe

Title: Peer-Based Diabetes Education & Support to Adolescents and Young Adults


Biography: Tinotenda Dzikiti



Providing Peer-Based Diabetes Education & Support to Adolescents and Young Adults presenting at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals and Zimbabwe Diabetes Association


As someone who has lived with type 1 diabetes for 13 years, I have gained significant knowledge and skills along the way. Therefore, I volunteered to offer diabetes education and psychosocial support through sharing of my lived experience to diabetes patients at Parirenyatwa Group Hospitals and Zimbabwe Diabetes Association


Methodology & Theoretical Orientation

The approach entails providing Diabetes Education and Support sessions, utilizing validated tools and IEC materials from the hospital/diabetes clinic. These sessions not only involve sharing personal experiences to empower and motivate patients but also employ a calendar system, with the assistance of Dr. Ticklay, to schedule appointments. To enhance resilience in living with diabetes, beneficiaries are connected to a community of diabetes support systems and resources, such as the Zimbabwe Diabetes Association, T1international, Blue Circle, and the International Diabetes Federation. Moreover, with the support of healthcare workers, efforts are made to raise awareness about diabetes prevention and early detection through active participation in Health Education sessions at the hospital OPDs. Additionally, the identification and recruitment of more diabetes peer-supporters for Parirenyatwa and other health facilities in Harare is a priority.

Conclusion & Significance

  • Increased capacity of people living with diabetes attending Zimbabwe Diabetes Association’s seesions and Parirenyatwa DM clinic/in-patient dept. to cope and/or self-manage diabetes, is a necessity;
  • IEC tools are critical and going forward the health facilicities should have people diabetes lived experience involved in diabetes education in order to improve/develope diabetes education
  • More Diabetes peer-support is at Parirenyatwa and/or Zimbabwe Diabetes Association to support people with diabetes.