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Dr. Usha Dane

MBBS. MD (AM) FRHS, PGPD Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Baltimore US

Title: Diabetes in Children and Adolescents


Biography: Dr. Usha Dane


Skin disorders are usually neglected and frequently undiagnosed among diabetic patients, DIABETIES MELLITUS is a common and debilitating disease that affects a variety of organs including the SKIN.

About 30% to70% of patients with diabetes mellitus both type 1& type 2 will present with cutaneous complications of diabetes mellitus at some point during a LIFETIME.A variety of DERMATOLOGICAL manifestations have been linked with DIABETIES MELLITUS.

These conditions vary in severity and can be benign, deforming and even LIFE THREATNING Such SKIN CHANGES CAN OFFER AN INSIGHT INTO THE PATIENTS GLYCEMIC

CONTROL an may be the first sign of METABOLIC DERANGEMENT in undiagnosed with DIABETIES.EARLY-stage skin disorders in DM patients.

Disease control, early-stage treatment (e.g., skin hydration, orthotic devices) and awareness can reduce morbidity of DM patients Thus, better understanding of the burden of skin disorders in DM patients may raise awareness on prevention and management.

Therefore, the aim of this study is to perform a literature review to evaluate the main clinical characteristics and study is to perform a literature review to evaluate the main clinical characteristics and complications of skin dis orders in diabetic patients.