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Mr. Reza	Bozorgipour

Mr. Reza Bozorgipour

Ph.D Cambridge University, UK Researcher and lecturer Biotechnology, Genetics resources, Traditional medicines, Medicinal plants

Title: Clinical Diabetes Practice and Research


Biography: Mr. Reza Bozorgipour


Diabetes Mellitus is a group of widespread chronic diseases characterized by sustained high blood sugar known to mankind since ancient times.  There were 537 million adults with diabetes in 2021 and projected to rise to 643 million by 2030. Diabetes caused 6.7 million deaths with a health expenditure of USD 966 billion in 2021 globally (IFD report 2022). Diabetic complications are considered a strong risk factor for COVID-19 severe illness. As yet there is no definitive or widely accepted cure for diabetes. Eryngium billardieri and E. campestre, mostly in form of distillates, activate pancreatic cells and stimulate insulin secretion from these cells reducing blood sugar. Besides, Eryngium activates the adrenaline gland and regulates adrenaline secretion, eliminating stress, nervousness, and anxiety. It removes facial pimples due to activation and cleansing of the liver, and other health benefits. This presentation is aimed to discuss the perspective on the utilization of Eryngium for the treatment of diabetes, particularly for diabetes type II and prediabetes.


Keywords: Eryngium, Diabetes, Insulin, Pancreas, Herbal, Medicine, Therapy